Merge Tags
Merge tags are variables that you include in text-based content (emails, texts, pages) which will be evaluated & substituted before delivery to personalize the content for the recipient. For example, {{ user.first-name }}
will be evaluated to Joe
when a message is being delivered to a Person named Joe on your list.
Team Members can include Merge Tags in the content for any text message, email message, or Page, throughout the Solidarity Tech platform. Merge Tags use the Liquid templating language to give you full control over how a Merge Tag is ultimately rendered.
All text editors in the dashboard will give you access to the full list of available Merge Tags in that context:
User merge tags
User merge tags will substitute the Merge Tag with the appropriate value for the Person receiving the message. The message Hi {{ user.first-name | default: 'friend' }}, welcome to Demo Org!
will be evaluated to Hi Joe, welcome to Demo Org!
for a Person named "Joe," and will evaluate to Hi friend, welcome to Demo Org
if you don't have a first name available for that Person.
Page link merge tags
Merge Tags are powerful not only because they allow you to custom the text content, but also because they allow you to send personalized page links which automatically log in a Person to a page. This allows you to send supporters to a Page with a form, and have them avoid inputting any form fields which they have previously given you.
It is almost always advised to use page links when sending emails or texts that include a link to a Page. Not only does it make completing the form easier, it also helps you avoid duplicate Person records. If a Person is recognized when they arrive at a Page, they won't have the opportunity to input a second (or mis-typed) phone number, which would otherwise create a duplicate record for the same Person.
Updated 2 months ago