Branches allow you to segment the People in a Chapter along geographic boundaries using custom-drawn shapes on a map. For example, a Chapter for "Rideshare Drivers United - Los Angeles" may contain several branches representing different parts of the city (Central LA, East LA, South LA, Orange County, etc.).
When a Person joins a Chapter that uses Branches, they will automatically be placed in the proper Branch based their postal code or address.
Drawing boundaries
Team Members with permission can create and modify the boundaries defining Branches from the settings section of the dashboard. To create a new Branch, click the draw icon at the top of the map and draw a shape representing your Branch on the map. When completed, row will be added to the table underneath the map with the Branch's name and color. Modify the name and click save to create the branch and automatically have the entire Chapter's Branch status reassigned.
You can update an existing Branch by dragging the points on the shape, and clicking the save button. After saving, all People in the Chapter will have their Branch status reassigned.
People who fall in between two overlapping Branches, will be placed in the Branch which has a geographic center closer to the Person.
Updated almost 2 years ago